
Michael F .. 老的文章,. 专业诊所

在90年代末, 医疗保健行业正在发生巨大的变化, 特别是在住院和门诊护理方面. Box Butte总医院 and its 校董会 recognized the fact that more and more services were going to be provided through out-patient services. 结果是, 2000年,医院批准了一项19,000平方英尺的扩建工程,以提供门诊服务. 3美元.5-million project was helped by a generous $200,000 donation from benefactor Mike 老的文章,. 迈克尔·F. 老的文章,. 专科诊所于2001年落成.

迈克尔·J. 老的文章,. 专科门诊为患者提供方便的专科门诊, 消除了旅行的需要. We currently offer 11 specialties at the Clinic, with specialists scheduled on a monthly basis. 

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